reflections on 90 days of writing

This is post #2 of my 100-post challenge. This one is for friends interested in writing practices and musings on how they might relate to publishing online and doing regular reflections. Portland, OR Over the past half-decade I’ve had an evolving and contentious relationship with writing, note-taking, newsletters, and publishing. It’s spanned a range of apps and workflows (Apple Notes, Evernote, OneNote, Notion, Roam Research, Obsidian) and cycled through a range of habit trackers, goals, and check-in systems; all of which have come and gone.
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things I want to help build

The following are efforts I hope to contribute to over the following decades. If you’re researching, building, or excited about any of these – let’s chat!

  1. combining journaling + therapy Therapy needs to be more scalable. While it can achieve amazing things, its current form generally requires money and is subject to severe 1:1 time constraints. Talk therapy is also limited to the verbal communication channel. Journaling is an excellent form of self-therapy; and happens to be completely free & accessible to anyone.
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25 birthday thoughts

Socorro, NM It’s my birthday again. My second as a nomad and my first in a relationship. Some reflections on life, inspired by this past year of adventuring across the continent. Some are new learnings; others are re-discovering consistencies in life. Grateful to everyone in my life who made the past year a beautiful one and looking forward to the next one. Also very excited about no more young driver’s fee on my rentals.
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push & pull, online & off, cities and sand

These are my semi-regular Patch Notes – updates on my life and things I’m learning and exploring. Subscribe here. In this release: 31 days in Huatulco, Oaxaca cities are chapters 28 nights later driving around where to next? cities vs beaches photos and assorted memories meta on a hike in Tepoztlán Hello friends.
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internet identity and the permanence of words

These are my semi-regular Patch Notes – updates on my life and things I’m learning and exploring. Subscribe here. In this release: next steps, 2021 update my fractured online identity road tripping through the southwest Canyonlands National Park, UT After three thousand miles of driving and a dozen sleeping arrangements I just want to plant a garden and lie in a hammock with a book.
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